Cultural Matter: Juha van Ingen
Space for Contemplation.
The presentation of Helsinki based visual artist Juha van Ingen's AS Long As Possible (2017) was an eleventh-hour inclusion to the Cultural Matter 2017-18 series.
The artwork AS Long As Possible (2017) is a GIF animation composed of 48 million black frames, each displaying a white number indicating its position in the loop, starting from 1. The sequence of animation frames changes and unfolds at approximately one per ten-minute interval, resulting in a total loop duration of 1,000 years. The looping function is embedded within the GIF animation, ensuring it never gets interrupted. When the last frame is played, it automatically starts the loop from the beginning.
Van Ingen takes the GIF format beyond its usual application of short, repeated actions and transforms it into an experience and a space for contemplation by showcasing an extremely slow sequence of numbered black frames. The realisation of an online concept in physical form is closely tied to the core element of Post-Internet Art, translating the principles and concerns found online into sculptural installations.
During Cultural Matter, a travel version of AS Long As Possible was presented marking its first display outside of the museum context. The installed travel version showcased frames 77739 to 82371 over a period of six weeks.
Additionally, a digital publication was created on the occasion of the solo exhibition, featuring text contributions by Cécile Dazord, Sanneke Huisman, Juha van Ingen, Pontus Kyander, Jan Robert Leegte, Alexandre Michaan, Gaby Wijers, and Kari Yli-Annala. For the publication, please visit: As Long As Possible publication. (coming soon)
On the opening night on 7 November 2018, the artist engaged in a conversation with heritage curator Cécile Dazord and media art conservator Alexandre Michaan, delving into the implementation and strategy behind the artwork while extending the discussion to encompass present-day digital culture.
On 21 November 2018, curator and art historian Kati Kivinen from Kiasma (Helsinki) joined to provide insights into the time-based artwork, shedding light on its art historical and museum contexts.
About Juha van Ingen
Juha van Ingen utilises various mediums in his works ranging from objects and spaces to moving image and sound. He often deals with processual dismantlement and re-construction replacing one process with another, decoding the contents of the medium he has selected and placing it in a new interpretative framework. Van Ingen's (Dis)integrator (1992) is a contemporary classic of structural video art. Van Ingen lives and works in Helsinki. (updated as of November 2018)
Exhibition: 7 November - 12 December 2018 | 17:00-23:00 | LI-MA (Arie Biemondstraat 111, Amsterdam)
Event (1): Cultural Matter: Opening event with Juha van Ingen in conversation with Cécile Dazord and Alexandre Michaan | 7 November 2018 | 20:30
Event (2): Cultural Matter: Kati Kivinen (Kiasma) on As Long As Possible | 21 November 2018 | 20:30
Images in descending order:
- Installation view Juha van Ingen, AS Long As Possible, 2017
- Portrait Juha van Ingen
Photos by Jose Miguel Biscaya