Distributing Your Work
Artist opportunities and submission guidelines
LI-MA is always seeking fresh and innovative media art across diverse practices to enrich our distribution collection. All year round we select new works from both established artists and emerging talents discovered through active scouting. Selected works are globally showcased through (online) screenings and exhibitions.
How to Submit Your Work for Distribution
We value contributions from our community and invite artists working in a broad range of media and formats to submit their recent work. However, before doing so, we kindly ask you to familiarise yourself with our guidelines:
- We exclusively consider submissions from artists who fulfil at least one of the following criteria: they are Dutch, they produced the work primarily in the Netherlands, or they already have a connection with LI-MA.
- The completion date of a work should not exceed one year ago.
- Please provide comprehensive information about yourself and the work by adding links to documents or your social media profile, along with a password-protected viewing link of the work.
- If your submission involves an installation or multichannel work, include a single-channel version or a documentation video.
- LI-MA emphasises experimental and innovative works that explore themes such as media and technology criticism, identity, sustainability, or that employ novel technologies and approaches. For a glimpse into our preferences, visit the page showcasing our most recent additions and learn more about the collection.
Submit your work
The LI-MA team will notify you of its decision as promptly as possible, though the process may take some time. Please note that, due to our limited resources, we reserve the right not to always provide detailed feedback regarding every rejection. Your understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Thumbnail and header image: Patricia Werneck Ribas, Para M, 2023 (videostill)