Testimonials on the Importance of LI-MA

Artists from the Netherlands and abroad have voiced their support for LI-MA

In the face of current challenges, we were deeply moved by the support we received from artists who recognize the significance of our mission. We want to share some of their powerful words on the important role LI-MA plays in the distribution, and preservation of digital art in the Netherlands and abroad with our community.

Rafaël Rozendaal

Dutch-Brazilian visual artist: 

“Culture is happening online. Art is created online. Communities are formed online. We are learning to see the screen for what it is, and to learn we need to preserve. LI-MA is an incredible institution that understood this before anyone else. They have pioneered the preservation of experimental media and their knowledge and dedication is immensely valuable. Let's support LI-MA!”

eddie d

Dutch video artist:

"Als internationaal niet geheel onbekend videokunstenaar is het LI-MA voor mij onmisbaar in distributie maar ook als conservator en beheerder van de geschiedenis van de mediakunst. Deze collectie bevat de basis van de huidige online beeldcultuur en zal in de toekomst alleen maar belangrijker blijken."

Marieke van der Lippe

Dutch media artist:

"Dankzij LI-MA werd mijn film The Machine op vele international festivals vertoond; na het IFFR o.a. in Bremen, Oberhausen, Kassel, Seoul, festivals die ik niet eens kende, laat staan dat ik ervoor zorg had kunnen dragen dat de film international op zoveel plekken vertoond zou worden. Daarbij is LI-MA punctueel en zorgvuldig in de communicatie alsook in het uitbetalen van gelden aan de maker op het moment dat de film ergens wordt vertoond."

Samira Elagoz

Media artist:

"LI-MA has been instrumental in supporting and amplifying my work as a filmmaker and visual artist, especially in the experimental realm. Their commitment to preserving and distributing media and digital art, both in the Netherlands and internationally, is irreplaceable, and a lifeline for those who push boundaries. For me, LI-MA is not just an organization—it's an essential partner in fostering innovation within the arts."

Michael Klier

Media artist:

"LI-MA are the brave pioneers in bringing video art to the people."

Jayce Salloum

Video artist:

"The importance of LI-MA in terms of media art preservation cannot be underestimated. It is a critical resource nationally and internationally. Its distribution and presentation efforts are also much needed and appreciated by artists, media-makers and the consumers and viewers of such material."

Annie Abrahams

Dutch video artist:

"LI-MA stimulates LI-MA is a community LI-MA provokes thoughts on art and technology LI-MA is the future LI-MA rocks"


Artist duo lizvlx and Luzius Bernhard:

"LI-MA are pioneers in digital & media art conservation. While we focus on radical artistic experiments, LI-MA needs to dedicate their & expertise to archiving & promoting works in a world of rapidly evolving technology (Happy Dystopia)."

Michel Banabila

Dutch sound and media artist:

"As the Netherlands' premier and most enduring platform for digital and media art, LI-MA stands as a vital guardian of our cultural heritage. Without their meticulous conservation efforts, an invaluable archive of digital and media art could be lost to time. The LI-MA team and their extensive collection are indispensable in the realms of research, distribution, and the presentation of media art."

Thomas Mohr

Media artist:

"Zonder LI-MA? Ondenkbaar. De distributie, de vertoningen, de catalogus, het behoud. Zichtbaar zijn door Li-ma betekent zoveel voor mij en veel van mijn collega’s. LI-MA is gewoon onmisbaar. Dit mogen wij niet kwijtraken."

Madelon Hooykaas

Dutch video artist:

"LI-MA is een belangrijke organisatie in Nederland die het pionierswerk van Stansfield/Hooykaas heeft geconserveerd en gepromoot. LI-MA is een belangrijke schakel voor het veiligstellen van ons audio/visueel erfgoed. LI-MA moet blijvend gesteund worden."
"LI-MA stands as a beacon in the evolving landscape of media and digital art, playing an indispensable role in the distribution, management, and preservation of these forms of creative expression. In an era where digital art is both ephemeral and omnipresent, LI-MA’s mission to archive and sustain these works ensures that they continue to inspire future generations. Its commitment to making these works accessible not only within the Netherlands but also on an international scale solidifies its place as a global custodian of culture. For me personally, LI-MA represents the convergence of technology and art, ensuring that the diverse voices of digital creators are heard, remembered, and celebrated. Supporting LI-MA is supporting the future of cultural heritage."

Kent Chan

Media artist:

"Preservation means far more than just safeguarding a work. It means not leaving it forgotten and actively keeping it alive through spotlighting and circulation. It has always been impressive to see LI-MA's programmes at different festivals. An impression that has only been bettered by the experience of working with them and seeing up close the attention and dedication put into what they do."

Bert Schutter

Dutch media artist:

"Het is onbegrijpelijk dat steeds opnieuw moet worden uitgelegd hoe belangrijk het werk van LI-MA is."

Lydia Schouten

Dutch video artist:

"LI-MA heeft er toe bijgedragen, net zoals hun voorgangs NIMK, Montevideo en Time Based Arts dat Nederlandse videokunstenaars bekendheid hebben verworven in Europa en daarbuiten. Nederland heeft een instituut nodig zoals LI-MA. Voor de Nederlandse videokunst is er geen alternatief."

Marinus Boezem & Maria-Rosa Boezem

Dutch artist and his partner:

LI-MA is een cruciaal instituut van onschatbare waarde voor kunstenaars, publiek en tentoonstellingsmakers, van nu en toekomstige generaties. Zij bewaren, koesteren, beheren en conserveren een belangrijk deel van het Nederlandse en internationale erfgoed op het gebied van media art. Vanaf het allereerste begin hebben zij een collectie opgebouwd van Nederlandse en internationale kunstenaars op dit gebied. Laat de enorme aanwezige expertise op velerlei gebied die LI-MA heeft opgebouwd in de loop van vele jaren niet verloren gaan!
"As advocates for the visibility of digital and media art, LI-MA holds a unique voice as a center of expertise in technological innovation and artistic experimentation, while also critically reflecting on developments in big tech. In a technology-driven society, we need an institute like LI-MA to help us (artistically) navigate these uncertain times and the world to come!"

Martine Neddam

Media artist:

"LI-MA is a reference in my art practice: they are the only ones who understand that preservation and distribution is exactly the same practical action in digital art, net.art and media art in general. If we loose LI-MA, we will loose an important connection to our public, and also an important connection to our own art, as if we would become amnesiac…"

Barbara Visser

Dutch artist:

"De archieffunctie van LI-MA is cruciaal. De recente geschiedenis wordt met de dag minder recent, en met de jaren interessanter. Laten we onze archieven niet alleen in het heden activeren maar ook verzamelen voor de toekomst."
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Thumbnail image & header image: Dutch critic and researcher Josefien Bosma (lower left corner), and artists Esther Polak (upper right corner), Kees de Groot (middle left), Gabriel Lester (middle right), Mark IJzerman (lower left corner), Annie Abrahams (upper left corner).