Transformation Digital Art 2016
LI-MA's first international symposium on the preservation of digital art.
As the final presentation of the project Transformation Digital Art, SBMK and LI-MA organised an international symposium to address software-based art preservation. This project was based on research and case studies from various collections, focussing on works by the Dutch artist/digital pioneer Peter Struycken, with an exemplary function for other born-digital artworks.
Practical protocols, sustainable storage and awareness of the wider public were realised in this joint research project. LI-MA shared our practice, experience, views and results with professionals working in the fields of conservation and access to digital art and culture. During these two days, international state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies were presented and discussed. The programme consisted of keynotes, workshops, panel discussions and a short film.

Transformation Digital Art 2016. Phot by Jose Miguel Biscaya.
Contributors: Gaby Wijers (LI-MA); Katja Kwastek (University of Amsterdam); Margriet Schavemaker (Stedelijk Schiedam); Wilma Suto (Stedelijk Schiedam); Geert Mul (artist); Simona Monizza (EYE Film Museum); Martijn van Boven, Bram Bogaerts and Jesper Vos (ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Arnhem); Annet Dekker (core tutor Master's Media Design and Communication, Piet Zwart Institute Rotterdam); Molly Bower (UvA); Maarten van Bommel (Universityt of Amsterdam); Patricia Falcao (Tate London); Ellen Jansen (University of Amsterdam); Srnaud Obermann (ZKM); Alex Michaan (independent conservator); Francer Paulien ‘t Hoen (SBMK); Sandra Fauconnier (researcher ArtTube); Doede Hardeman (Gemeentemuseum Den Haag); Susanne Kensche (Kröller-Müller Museum), Nina van Doren (researcher); Paul Jansen Klomp (AKI ArtEZ Art & Design Enschede); Gabriel Lester (artist); Marije Verduijn (Centraal Museum).
More information about contributors and their presentations is included in the publication PROJECT TRANSFORMATION DIGITAL ART: preservation of born-digital art.
See the documentary film Digital Art who Cares?
Transformatie Digitale Kunst was funded by the participating institutions with generous support from The Mondriaan Fund and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.