Transformation Digital Art 2018
LI-MA's third international symposium on the preservation of digital art.
The constant development and flux of technologies creates a unique opportunity for artists to experiment, play and create, but also presents a challenge for those charged with the responsibility of ensuring future presentations of these works. It is essential and challenging to preserve born-digital art for future generations. The symposium brought up questions of how to act when faced with change and how to take control of future digital art presentations.
In the context of the new LI-MA project ArtHost, Transformation Digital Art 2018 took place at LI-MA, Amsterdam. International participants, from a range of professional backgrounds, reflected on what strategies can be developed in order to take artworks of an inherently digital, performative and processual nature into the future. Speakers shared best practices, research and case studies concerning both artist-led and institutional strategies geared towards the future presentation of born-digital and software based art.

Transformation Digital Art 2024. Photos by Jose Miguel Biscaya.
Transformation Digital Art 2018 included contributions by the following participants: Karen Archey (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam), Josephine Bosma, Ives Bernard (IMAL), Serena Cangiano (SUPSI), Louise Cone (National Gallery of Denmark), Annet Dekker (University of Amsterdam), Harm van den Dorpel (artist), Constant Dullaart (artist), Patrícia Falcão (Tate Modern), Paulien ‘t Hoen (SBMK), Aurora Loerakker (Van Abbemuseum), Geert Lovink (INC), Aymeric Mansoux (artist), Rachel Somers Miles (LI-MA), Arthur van Mourik (Centraal Museum), Geert Mul (Artist), Martine Neddam (artist), Marcel Ras (NDE), Joost Rekveld (artist), Morgane Stricot (ZKM), Sylvia van Schaik (RCE), Mila van der Weide (LI-MA), Gaby Wijers (LI-MA), and more.

Transformation Digital Art 2024. Photos by Jose Miguel Biscaya.
During the two days of Transformation Digital Art 2018, LI-MA-affiliated researchers were invited to document the various sessions from the programme by writing summarising reports. The results of these efforts are available below:
Day 1, Part I: Artists in Need of Documentation, Scores, Support and Services.
By Mila van der Weide
Day 1, Part II: Artistic and Institutional Approaches.
By Jim Wraith
Day 1, Part III: Alternative Strategies
By Claudia Roeck
Day 2, Part I: Sustainable Storage of Digital Art
By Axelle Van Wynsberghe & Julie Boschat Thorez
Day 2, Part II, option A: How to Take Control—Best Practices
By Axelle Van Wynsberghe
Day 2, Part II, option B: How to Take Control in Institutional Collections-Best Practices
By Claudia Roeck
This project is made possible by the generous support of Creative Industries Fund NL.